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MaxMeasures portfolios for March 2016

MaxMeasures portfolios from the SP500 and SP100 universe IAW the default parameter set are provided below.  Closing prices as of 3/10/16:

S&P500 3/10/2016 S&P100 3/10/2016
ARG 141.87 PYPL 38.49
NEM 27.35 FB 107.32
MAT 33.62 VZ 52.32
CNX 11.09 MCD 119.98
ADT 41.07 DD 62.16
FSLR 69.25 T 38.31
KORS 57.37 PM 96.84
TSN 66.64 EXC 34.73
WYNN 84.06 MSFT 52.05
KLAC 68.70 GOOG 712.82
COH 39.09 JNJ 107.14
BXLT 39.41 PG 82.28
AVGO 144.42 TXN 55.49
DLTR 79.82 MO 63.00
AMAT 19.57 CVX 93.94
CTL 31.71 GOOGL 732.17
NVDA 31.68 SO 49.87
SNDK 76.41 RTN 121.85
ISRG 573.70 DOW 49.13
CPB 63.09 EMR 50.55

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